Jane Nicholson : Mini Sweet Potato Mac n’ Cheese Bites

 Q + A


Tell me about yourself!

I have two children (Ella who is 9 and Chase who is almost 2) and I showcase kid-friendly, simple snacks and lunches that are fun, healthy and minimal on my Instagram account @food.kids.love.

What do you love about this recipe, and how has it helped you with feeding your toddler?

I made these bites as a fun side dish for Thanksgiving for my little one who had just turned 1! I wanted to make a mac and cheese side that was easy to eat with hands, low in sodium and veggie included. These sweet potato bites were the answer! Love the subtle sweetness and that you don’t have to use a lot of cheese. The mini muffin tin made it fun and bite-sized.

What is your biggest tip when it comes to feeding a toddler?

I like using the division of responsibility to keep the pressure off. I choose what and when to serve and they choose what and how much they eat. I also make sure to keep offering veggies even if they don’t eat it. Lastly, I like to buy foods that are in season and offer a variety of different fruits and veggies!

What is your current eating challenge and how are you working to overcome it/how did you overcome it?

Currently, my toddler likes throwing his food on the floor for the dog. I’m working on keeping the dog in a different room when we eat, and also reminding him that food belongs on his plate or table not on the floor. But it’s a process!

How do you keep your child entertained when prepping a meal?

Sometimes I have them help in the kitchen, other times I set out fun sensory play, and on really lucky days, my husband takes them outside so I can cook in peace!

Follow Jane at: @food.kids.love

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 Jane’s Recipe