Alicia Miller : Baked Black Bean Taquitos

 Q + A


Tell me about yourself!

I’m a mom to two year old and currently a Master’s student studying nutrition at the University of Southern California. I’m set to graduate in May of this year (yay!), which is when I’ll be eligible to sit for the RD (Registered Dietitian) exam. Dietetics is a second career for me though I have always had an interest in nutrition, health and wellness. Early in life I began to recognize the disparities in access and health outcomes that afflicted Black people all around me. When I dug deeper I realized the connection between chronic disease and nutrition, which fueled my passion around bridging the gap between BIPOC and other races by making nutrition education available, accessible, and easy to understand. My career kind of naturally evolved to focus on women and children once I had my daughter. I am equally passionate about feeding littles and making sure they are getting exposure to all the nutrition they need right from the start. I am also a military wife currently living in Oahu with my husband, daughter, and two pups!

What do you love about this recipe, and how has it helped you with feeding your toddler?

This is a go-to family favorite that never disappoints! It’s rich in iron and vitamin C to help with absorption, which is super important for growing babes. It can honestly be served at any meal (breakfast taquitos, anyone?? Yes, please!!) though we usually have them for lunch or dinner. They taste best fresh but they can be frozen and thawed then reheated in the oven for about 2-3 mins at 400 to re-crisp the edges. You can get creative with the filling and use potatoes with scallion, tofu with cilantro, or any meat of your choice!  

What is your biggest tip when it comes to feeding a toddler?

Feeding a toddler can be frustrating but never get discouraged. Toddlers are going to change from day to day so what worked yesterday may not work today and that’s okay. Breath deep, stay flexible, and keep trying because chances are you’re doing great!

What is your current eating challenge and how are you working to overcome it/how did you overcome it?

My little one has always been a pretty good eater and has accepted a wide variety of foods until recently. I developed a toolkit to manage picky eating when I did an internship rotation at the children’s hospital in Oahu so thankfully I have a number of tools that I can use, however, it doesn’t make it any less frustrating. I try to encourage trying new foods without pressure but ultimately I let my daughter make the choice about whether she wants to eat something or not. I offer new foods alongside favorites and we also try to have family meals as much as possible so that my husband and I can set an example for her. 

How do you keep your child entertained when prepping a meal?

For Christmas we got my daughter a play kitchen set with lots of food and pots and pans so lately I’ve been having her “help” me with dinner by having her imitate what I’m doing with her play foods. It’s one of her new favorite things and she gets so excited being in that space with me and getting to share those moments together. 

Follow Alicia at: @ItstheCardamom


 Alicia’s Recipe